Friday, September 24, 2010

Federal Civil Service Commission (FCSC) Recruits : Medical Doctors and Pharmacists
The Civil Service Commission was created on acceptance of the Nigerianisation Commision Report of 1st January, 1949. The main function of this board was to interview and recommed to the Governor-General candidates from within and outside the service for appointment or promotion. Later a caretaker Central Public Service Commission was constituted on the 3rd May,

The Federal Civil Service Recruits Medical Doctors and Pharmacist in Various States at the National Level


To build a core of highly focused, disciplined, committed and patriotic Civil Service dedicated to assisting Government in the development Government in the development of a strong united and virile Nigeria

How to Apply
To apply extant rules and regulations in offering excellent, honest, fair, firm and equitable services that shall remain the foundation of the fundamental principle governing the Commission's primary functions of Recruitment, Promotion and Discipline by acting within its constitutional powers and authority.

Requirements for collection of Application forms
  1. Degree /HND/NCE/RNERA Certificate
  2. Original Copy of N.Y.S.C. Certificate
  3. State of Origin Certificate form Local Government

Requirements for Submission of completed Application forms

  1. Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)
  2. Academic Qualifications
  3. State of Origin Certificate form Local Government
  4. Birth Certificate/Age Declaration Certificate
  5. N.Y.S.C. Certificate/ N.Y.S.C. Discharge Letter
NB: Make Enquiries from your State Civil Service Commission or the Address Below:
Address of the Commission
Federal Civil Service Commision
No. 4 Abijan Street
Wuse Zone 3
P.M.B. 17 Garki
Download Application Here        Fill Online Form Here