Federal Medical Centre Keffi Nassarawa invites applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill the positions below: 1.) Assistant Director, Administration/Head of Administration Responsibilities: Successful candidate will be responsible for: - Heading the administrative Department of the hospital
- Serve as Secretary to the Hospital's Governing Board
- Assisting in the formulation, Execution and review of policies
- And any other duties that may be assigned
Requirements for the Post: - Candidates must possess a Degree or its equivalent in any field of social Sciences/Humanities and Membership of the Institute of Health Services Administration of Nigeria (IHSAN), a masters Degree/Post Graduate qualification in related field would be an added advantage
- Candidates must have 15 years cognate working experience preferably in related Tertiary) Health Institution.
- Candidates must be proficient in ICT
- Candidates must exhibit evidence of strong academic and administrative leadership.
2.) Chief Accountant/Head of Finance and Accounts Responsibilities: - Ensure compliance with Financial Regulations and the Accounting code by all staff under his/her control and supervision.
- Ensure adequate supervision of the disbursement of funds and proper monitoring and accounting for revenue.
- Advertising the Accounting Officer on all Financial Matters.
- Maintain proper accounting records such as books of accounts, main and subsidiary ledgers.
- Ensuring Prompt rendition of all return e.g. coolidated Accounts (Monthly transcripts), Bank reconciliation Statements, Revenue and Expenditure returns, etc.
- Compiling and defending of the budget proposals and ensuring effective budget control
- And any other duties that may be assigned
Requirement for the post - Candidates must posses a degree in Accounting or related discipline. A master Degree/Post Graduate qualification in relevant are would be an added advantage.
- Candidates must pass the Final certificate of any of the following professional bodies ICAN, ANAN, and/or ACCA.
- Candidates must have 10 years cognate working experience preferably in a related Tertiary Health Institution.
- Candidates must be proficient in ICT.
Application Deadline 25th July, 2011 Method of Application Applicants are requested to attach to their application 10 typed copies of their curriculum vitae giving detailed in the following order (i) Full name (ii) Date and Place of birth (iii) Dates and place of Birth (iv) State of Origin/LGA (v) Nationality (vi) Marital Status (vii) Educational Institutions attended with dates (viii) Academic/Professional qualifications obtained with dates (ix) Previous employments and posts held with dates (x) Present employment, status and salary (xi) A state of he/her vision for the Hospital. (xii) Names and address of three (3) Referees who are to forwarded confidential Report on the applicants directly to the Office of the Medical Director/CE such Referees should be able to attest to the candidates claims of Academic and managerial Capabilities as well as their character. Invited candidates must be able to support every claim with documentary evidence, (where applicable and bring originals of all their credential to the interview. All applicants are to submit in sealed envelopes marked Assistant Director, Administration and/or Chief Accountant at the top left hand corner of the envelop to reach the office of the: Medical Director/CE Federal Medical Centre, Keffi P.M.B 004, Nasarawa State Not later than 25th July, 2011 Search for high paid jobs here |