National Orthopaedic Hospital, Igbobi Lagos - Applications are invited from suitable qualified candidate to fill existing vacancies in the Orthopaedic Hospital, Igbobi - Lagos 1.) CONSULTANT (ORTHOPAEDIC & TRAUMATOLOGY) (Ref: COT/001) Salary-CONMESS 5 Qualification: - Candidates must possess MBBS, the Fellowship of the National ia or the West African College of Surgeons and current practicing license.
- In addition, candidates must have undergone a minimum of six months fellowship training in Oncology or Arthroscopy
2. ) CONSULTANT (CHEMICAL PATHOLOGISM) (Ref: CCP/002) Salary-CONMESS5 Qualification: - Candidates must possess MBBS, the Fellowship of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria or the West African College of Physicians FWACP in Laboratory Medicine/Chemical Pathology and current practicing license.
3.) MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENTIST (Ref: MLS/003) Salary-CONHESS 8 Qualification: - Candidates must possess a Bachelor's Degree in Medical Laboratory Science and the Associate Membership of the Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences (AIMLS), NYSC discharge Certificate and current practicing license.
4.) MEDICAL SOCIAL WORKER (Ref: MSW/0041) (Salary - CONHESS 7/8) Qualification: - Candidate must possess BSC or HND in social work from a recognized Institution, NYSC discharge certificate and a modest experience in (Medical Related discipline like Psychology, Sociology or Health Education and registered with the professional body.
5.) MEDICAL OFFICER (Ref: MO/005) Salary-CONMESS 2 Qualification: - Candidates must possess MBBS and registered with the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN)
- Plus at least one year post registration cognate experience, NYSC discharge certificate and current practicing license.
6.) SENIOR MEDICAL OFFICER (ANAESTHESIA) (Ref: SMO/006) Salary-CONMESS 3 Qualification: - Candidates must possess MBBS plus postgraduate Diploma in Anesthesia.
- Candidates must be registered with Medical Dental Council of Nigeria.
- Plus at least 2 years post registration cognate experience, NYSC discharge certificate and current practicing license.
7.) NURSING OFFICER II (Ref: NO/007) Salary - CONHESS 7 Qualification: - Candidates must possess B.Sc Nursing, NYSC discharge certificate, Registered Nursing and Midwifery certificate and current practicing license.
- Possession of Accident and Emergency Certificate or Post Basic Orthopaedic Nursing Certificate will be an added advantage.
8.) PHARMACIST (Ref: PHA/OOB) Salary-CONHESS 9 Qualification: - Candidates must possess a Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy and registered with the Pharmacists Registration Board of Nigeria (PRBN).
- Candidate must also possess the NYSC discharge certificate and a current practicing license
9.) NURSE TUTOR (Ref: NT/009)Salary-CONHESS 7 Qualification: - Candidates must possess BSc Nursing Education or its equivalent qualification, registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria and NYSC discharge certificate.
- Nurse Tutor practicing license will be an added advantage
10.) IMAGE SCIENTIST (Ref: MISS/011) Salary-CONHESS 8 Qualification: - Candidates must possess a Bachelor degree in Radiography (B.Rad) from a recognized University or its equivalent and registered with the Radiographers Registration Board of Nigeria (RRBN), NYSC discharge certificate and current practicing license
11.) PROSTHETlST/ORTHOTlST (Ref: P/0010) Salary) - CON HESS 8 Qualification: - Candidates must possess a Bachelor degree or HND in Prosthetics/Orthotics from and International Society for Prosthetics/Orthotics (ISPO) recognized Institution and NYSC discharge certificate.
- Candidate must have completed his Internship.
12.) COMPUTER ENGINEER II (Ref: CEl012) Salary - CONHESS 7 Qualification: Candidates must possess a Bachelor degree in Computer Science from a recognized University and NYSC discharge certificate. Possession of additional qualification in IT networking will be an advantage. 13.) PRINCIPAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (Ref PAO/014) Salary - CONHESS 10 Qualification: - Candidate must possess Humanities and Social Sciences or BA in Business Administration and Management and be registered with the Institute of Health Service Administrators of Nigeria (IHSAN), Candidate must have a minimum of 7 (seven) years cognate experience and have worked in a Federal Government Hospital of similar status.
- Candidate below the level of Senior Administrative Officer need not apply.
- Membership of NIM, ACIS, IPM or other relevant professional bodies will be an added advantage.
14.) CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY (Ref: CS/015) Salary -CONHESS 7 Qualification: - Candidates must possess HND in Secretarial Studies including a pass at 120/60 words per minute in shorthand and typewriting respectively from a recognized Polytechnic or College of Technology and NYSC discharge certificate
15.) PHARMACY TECHNICIAN (Ref: PHT/018] Salary -CONHESS6 Qualification: - Candidates must possess a minimum of WASC, a Pharmacy Technician Certificate or Health Technician Certificate (Pharmacy) from a recognized Health Institution and registered with the Pharmacists Registration Council of Nigeria.
16.) LECTURER (PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS [P/O]) (Ref: FEC/019) Salary-CONHESS 7 Qualification: - Candidates must possess a B.Sc degree or HND in Prosthetics/Orthotics or Orthopaedic Technology from an ISPO recognized Institution and NYSC discharge certificate.
17.) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER (Ref: EHO/021) Salary - CONHESS7 Qualification: - Candidates must possess a first degree or HND in Environmental Health Sciences from a recognized Institution and NYSC discharge certificate.
18.) HIGHER TECHNICAL OFFICER (LINEN) (Ref: HTO/022) Salary - CONHESS 7 Qualification: - Candidates must possess a first degree
- 1. HND certificate in Textile Technology from a recognized Institution and NYSC discharge certificate.
- 2. Final Certificate of the City and Guilds of London Institution in weaving (Cotton and Man-made fibres) or yarn production (short staple system).
19.) LECTURER (ORTHOPAEDIC HEALTH ASSISTANT SCHOOL) (Ref: OPS/024) Salary CONHESS 7 Qualification: - Candidates must possess a B.Sc degree in Nursing Education, NYSC discharge certificate and Practicing License.
- Nurse Tutor certificate will be an added advantage.
- Candidates must also have bias in Orthopaedic Training.
20.) HIGHER EXECUTIVE OFFICER (ACCOUNTS) (Ref: HEO/017) Salary-CONHESS 7 Qualification: - Candidates must possess a Higher National Diploma in Accountancy from a recognized polythecnic and NYSC discharge certificate
21.) DIETICIAN (Ref: DIE/013) Salary-CONHESS 8 Qualification: - Candidates must possess a Higher National Diploma or BSc in Nutrition and dietetics and other Clinical or Allied Courses.
- Candidates must possess NYSC discharge certificate
Conditions of Service The conditions of service including the fringe benefits are as applicable in the Federal Public Service. Application Deadline 27th September, 2011 Method of Application Interested candidates should forward three (3) copies of their letter of application attaching to each, photocopies of certificates and detailed curriculum Vitae (CV) as follows: (i) Name in full. (ii) Place and date of birth. (iii) Current contact address and Telephone number. (iv) Nationality. (v) Marital status. (vi) State of Origin. (vii) Local Government of Origin. (viii) Secondary and post secondary education including dates. (ix) Qualifications obtained with dates. (x) Statement of experience including full details of previous and present employment. . (xi) Post applied for. . (xii) Names, addresses and telephone numbers of three (3) Referees (who should either be a Solicitor, Clergy or Top Civil Servant). Candidates are to please address their applications directly to: The Medical Director, National Orthopedics Hospital, P. M. B. 2009, Yaba - Lagos. Submission All applications should be submitted in the Office of the Head of Administration not later 27th September, 2011 from the date of this publication with the Reference Number written on the top left hand corner of the envelope. .
Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview. SEARCH FOR HIGH PAID JOBS HERE |