Avantview Solutions Limited is Recruiting for a Web Designer. We are a growing Nigerian Information Technology Company that makes use of highly trained and experienced staff to deliver high performance products to our wide range of clients. Registered in Nigeria under the name Avantview Solutions Limited. (RC 728166). We have undertaken projects for reputable companies and the list is unending. Customer satisfaction is our watchword and we work within our ethical provisions to make this statement possible. "Impossibility" is a word we believe does not exist. We channel all our resources to meet our client's demands no matter the challenge. We believe that we can provide solutions to every of your IT needs within and not limited to our scope of operation. A good value of time is spent on conceptualization and with high degree of professionalism; we bring such ideas into reality. That is the reason we say "…Ideas, Possibilities".
Job Title: Web Designer Location: Lagos Responsibilities - Develop new Web applications as identified by supervisor and management through packaged and customized applications.
- Create a company-wide Intranet, allowing data manipulation for each internal staff member.
- Maintain and enhance existing Web applications and all internal systems are integrated.
- Perform complete testing of Web applications unit and system, engaging users as necessary.
- Conduct all user acceptances testing, and report results.
- Design and implement user-driven templates, databases and interfaces for ease of use.
- Develop database-driven Web interfaces for rapid, real-time information sharing.
Required Skills / Experience - Experience in designing and coding web sites using XHTML and CSS
- Experience with various kinds of CMS like Joomla, WordPress, Drupal and Zen Cart.
- Capable of creating standardized and compatible designs and coding.
- Experience programming with JavaScript & AJAX.
- Basic skills in Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Corel Draw.
- Experience in creating web sites and web services in coordination with the programmer
- Basic knowledge in SEO.
- Ability to adapt to new programming languages
- Experience in programming with PHP/MySQL or ASP-Python will be an added advantage
- Good knowledge of web front end technologies.
- The ideal candidate must have demos from past work and these demos must reflect creativity and high level of skill.
Application Deadline 6th October, 2011 How To Apply You can send in your resume to: resume@avantview.com